

MCCSC Trail GPS Information

The information below has been provided by Paul McClafferty of former
A Bound Corporation, Miramichi

Trail GPS Files - Available via email attachment ... please contact :> P. Gadd

Ski Trails .gpx file

Snowshoe Trail .gpx file

Snowshoe Trail .kmz file

The above screen shots are from a Garmin GPS device showing the snowshoe trail map as an overlay. (This is a new capability added to 2 models of Garmin GPS's (Oregon and Colorado). To add the map to either of these units, obtain the Snowshoe Trail.kmz file as above then simply copy it to the folder: \Garmin\CustomMaps\ in the gps. The Custom Maps folder must be created if not already there, and the gps requires a firmware update.

More information about firmware updates and adding Custom Maps can be found at:




Copyright MCCSC November 2013